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Monday, June 4, 2012

New template! Fancy Pinstripes 5 colors

I made a new template! However, the photo leaves something to be desired. Still getting used to my new camera.
For it's debut, I decided to make matches for the 2x2x2 Fancy Pinstripes set. 5 colors, the base is 2 inches, the top is 3 inches and it's an inch deep with overlapping semi-circles to close. The photo above shows it with 2 mini cupcake wrappers set in the diagonal and candies in those (recipe to follow)
Click on the images for bigger versions. Cut, score, fold, glue!

Cream cheese mints are really popular, but TG is pretty convinced chocolate improves almost any dessert. Here's the recipe:
Chocolate cream cheese mints

  • 8oz cream cheese softened
  • 1 Tbs butter softened
  • 1 tsp. mint extract
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 lb bag of powdered sugar
Prepare 3 cookie sheets by covering them with waxed paper or parchment paper- this is a no-cook recipe so either will work.
With an electric beater, cream together the cream cheese, butter, extracts and cocoa powder, then start adding the powdered sugar a cup at a time for 6 cups. After that, a half cup at a time. You'll need nearly the whole bag or if it's a humid there as it is here, the whole bag. After you can't use the beater anymore, knead in the rest by hand.

Make small balls and flatten them on the waxed paper, they can be close as long as they don't touch. After you get done with a sheet, cross hatch the candies with the tines of a fork.
Let air dry for 8 hours, flipping them over every 2 hours.

These *can* be frozen after they've dried then thawed as needed. I took a small part of the dough and kneaded in some sea salt and topped with Cypress flake salt. Those are my favorites. I think if we skipped the mint and used almond instead with the salt, chocolate and vanilla, it would be amazing.


  1. This is JUST LOVELY!!
    Nice shaped box!

  2. Shala you are wonderful for sharing all these lovely boxes and things thank you so much xx


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