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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

DIY Craft Foam Crown Headband


diy craft foam crown project photo woman in a blue craft foam crown

I really meant to get in progress photos but it's harvest time up here and my family is doing a LOT of harvesting of wild plants and stuff. 

I've started selling some of my salves in partnership with a good friend. You can follow her page and see what are doing together at Da Love Bazaar on Facebook

So instead of in progress photos, you get the printable pattern and a written explanation. That said, I plan to do more styles of these and will get photos of them in progress and it's the same method. 

You will need: 

  • The printable pattern! 
  • Sheets of a flexible but firm material to cut them from- I used craft foam
  • appropriate glue for your material- hot glue works well with craft foam
  • sharp scissors
  • a blank headband 
  • stuff to decorate it with- I used rhinestone tape with this one 
  • clips to hold it while glue is drying if necessary
  • pen that will mark on your material
  • bottle or narrow glass that the base of the crown will fit on. 

    Click the image below and print it out at 100% or fit to page. This is pieces to lay out two crowns to cut them.
crown template

Cut out the pieces, then lay them out on your foam and trace them. 

Cut out the foam. 

Glue the two disks together, if you're using a glitter or textured foam, it's better to have the smooth/wrong side against your hair. 

Curve the crown piece around, and use the small tab to connect the edges in a circle. 

Trim a SMALL amount off the disks so they fit tightly in the base of the crown piece and run a bead of glue inside the crown to attach it. 

Now is where you need the bottle that it fits over. I used a tall amber pill bottle. I put the crown upside on that, then used the larger tab to attach the headband. That protects the points from being crushed while you're attaching the headband. Align the headband on the crown base so the seam/connecting piece is in the back. That puts the center point in the front. 

After all the glue is set, it's time to decorate it!! 

It's really easy to make one of these. 

The rhinestone tape is really easy to use and it's fun. It cuts easily with scissors and I have a lot of it because I use it for props frequently. These are Amazon affiliate links. Using them will not affect your cost but will help support this site. 

Rhinestone Tape
Multi-colored Tape Set

I've been having a "Tiara Tuesday" on my FB page for a few month now and plan to have more crown and tiara projects this next year.