
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thomas Wayne MacGuire

From left to right, that's my Dad, Thomas MacGuire, my son, William, my mom, Carolyn Bradley, and my Grandma, Holly Bradley.

Three of them are together again now on the other side, and I keep going back and forth between being happy they are together again, and being sad for us because while they are just a thought away, it feels like a very far distance since we can't be hugged by them, hear their voices except in memory.

On December 22nd, things looked like they were improving for dad. He was in the hospital, but he was clear, coherent, focused on getting better and he was feeling pretty good. He spent the whole day with the grandson who was the light of his life, and they said I love you to each other a whole bunch of times. We also went to visit for a few hours and also said I love you to each other a few times. Then after he went to sleep, his numbers crashed, and he was gone very quickly after that. We had time to call everyone in the family so we could be there to say good bye.

This is really, really hard to write. But it's not going to get any easier is it?

Once upon a time, a social worker was followed into a bathroom at a party by the woman who ran the local Equal Rights Commission. She wasn't the sort of person who did things like that, she was a hippie from comfortable family in California, and had two kids from a previous marriage. But lots of people had tried to fix these two up on a date in the past and she was curious about him. She came to Alaska as VISTA volunteer and fell in love with the state.

He was a slight man with a beard and mustache, and smart blue eyes that flashed with laughter about everything. He had come to Alaska with his mother in 1963, Driving a lot of the highway from California himself. He was a fighter from his birth 3 months premature in 1948. He was a survivor with college degrees in a couple fields dealing with human behavior and psychology.

First, let's get one thing straight, my dad? Was a straight up outlaw. He hated authority figures, and wouldn't eat his vegetables. When I was a kid, he left that straight job. He dealt drugs, his best friends were a pimp and another criminal whose crimes I've never been sure of, but did spend time in prison. They were raucous and loud, they lived for the moment and the moments were fun and chaotic and they loved each other so much. They were utterly loyal to each other, and they watched out for Mom, me and my brother. We were a family. Mom, Dad, Uncle Paul and Uncle Merrill.

Outlaw or not, my mom had notoriously wretched taste in men. My Grandfather's reaction to Mom dating Dad was to tell her, unequivocally, that he was the best relationship she had ever been in. Even then, Dad's guiding principles were honesty, honor, loyalty and love.

Dad said that living on the edges was like living in a foxhole, you had to know who your friends were, and how much you could trust them. He could have trusted them for anything, they could rely on him the same way. But my brother and I didn't know that. We knew our family was different than most. We knew most families didn't have incredibly expensive locks, or parents who were home most of the time and still had money, we knew that most parents didn't get mad when you opened the very heavy privacy drapes in the living room or warn you that the phone might be tapped, but we didn't know WHY our family was different.

We also knew we were wanted, we were LOVED. That's important. I never knew until adulthood how important that was. My closest friends grew up in more traditional families but never had that absolute certainty they were wanted and loved. My dad went proudly to my dance recitals with my mom and uncles. If they scared the other parents, they didn't care. They were there to see me, not to impress or make friends. They paid attention to the things I wanted, the things I needed.

When Dad decided to get out of that life, Paul had moved to take care of someone who was in trouble, and Uncle Merrill was out of state I think or in prison? I don't recall which exactly. But he and mom got on methadone, and kicked their habits. It was a pretty huge transition. We went from having money to spare to being very broke. We moved out of our home into a series of apartments. But my parents were there in a way they hadn't been before. Sure, we weren't riding snow machines for fun anymore, but my parents were very consistently there. They needed to be at that point. I was getting sick a lot. Somehow we all made it through.

So, you can see by my description, that my parents were flawed. Funny, wild, unpredictable, loving and they always tried their best in their own unique ways.

Then something happened.
William was born. My darling, beautiful first born child.

My parents fell in love, and settled into a team whose first priority was that baby boy. When he was 3, I made the decision to give up my son to my parents because they loved each other so much. It seemed like the best thing for all of them. It hurt of course, but it was the best choice.

It really, really was. My parents loved him so much. They changed for him, mellowing, they weren't as wild. Mom would take walks with William to wishing wells and let him spend rolls of pennies. Dad would do anything for his boy.

When Mom died, my grandmother (her mother), told me fiercely "I know you can take William back, don't you do it. You leave him with his grandfather. You have Emily and Michael. They (William and Dad) need each other."

Dad loved Grandma like she was his own mother, and she loved him like a son. She also told him never to cut his hair and he never did. Grandma followed mom after just couple months. Dad was devastated.

The single thing that pulled him through the other side was William. William nagging him to eat, William having things to show his Papa. William's need after losing the grandma he loved so much while he was also trying to take care of his Papa.

Dad and I got very close after Mom was gone. I made the point of talking to him daily. We got to know each other a lot better. We talked about all sorts of things.

Now, to be honest, my taste in men was pretty bad too. But Dad LIKED Michael from the first time he met him. That like turned into genuine love. Dad respected Michael and Michael felt the same way about him. Michael truly fit into my nutty family like he was always supposed to be there. Even though Michael was so straight and "normal".

Back to honesty, honor, love and loyalty. See, those were never just words to Dad. they were the guiding principles of his life his whole life. If you couldn't be honest, he couldn't be your friend. If you didn't stand for something, he had no respect for you, but if he loved you, he was absolutely loyal and expected the same in return. That's the common ground that Michael and Dad had, and it was the basis for a relationship that turned into one like Dad's and Grandma's. Dad was our Dad, he loved Michael like a son.

We had such fun, we made the point of doing it. Of doing things as a family, going to museum exhibits, trick or treating with the kids together, we did a lot in the following years as the children grew.

The photo above was taken this last July at a summer fair.

The last month since Dad's diagnosis with cancer, to Dad dying has been really, really hard. It's had some good moments, and we have a lifetime of memories and love.

I need for everyone to understand one thing, that crazy, flawed, wild, incredibly good, generous, kind man? He was the BEST dad I could have had. His relationship with William was something so special, so wonderful. The love he gave to all of us.... he gave us the best of him, and in the last few weeks has said over and over how lucky he was to have this family. Not just a family, but this family specifically. All of us. We will miss him so much.

But we won't forget how very lucky and blessed we were to have him.

See, family isn't about blood. It's about love and commitment. He never told people I was his step-daughter. We were just all his kids.

I love you Dad. Thank you.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Paisley Mandalas - with a giveaway!

This week's Dover Sampler has samples from my new book Paisley Mandalas! There are 6 paisley themed mandalas to print and color and you can find that here-
Dover Sampler- it's only going to be up for a week so go and get them!

Sign up for the Dover sampler while you are there. Every week they post samples from their great books, which include poetry, clip art, coloring pages and craft projects.

So would you like to win copies of my two books Paisley Mandalas and Groovy Mandalas? For people who live in the US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 4, 2014

2015 Marsala- 2 printable boxes

2015- Marsala

The 2015 Color of Year is Marsala! I've been hearing  some mixed viewpoints on it. I like it, it can be used in a lot of palettes.

I hope you enjoy these two printable boxes that use very similar palettes marsala, dusty rose and a dark greenish blue- but one has yellows and tans and the other has white and a bright blue, which changes the effect of the marsala and the lighter dusty rose color.

Click the images for larger versions to print and make. Print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold, glue!
Printable box- Marsala 2015 color of the year - 2 palettes available.

Printable box- Marsala 2015 color of the year - 2 palettes available.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A printable quote about faith

This quote is from Charlie Chaplin's auto-biography.

I believe that faith is a precursor of all our ideas.Without faith, there never could have evolved hypothesis, theory, science or mathematics.I believe that faith is an extension of the mind. It is the key that negates the impossible. To deny faith is to refute oneself and the spirit that generates all our creative forces. My faith is in the unknown,in all that we do not understand by reason; I believe that what is beyond our comprehension is a simple fact in other dimensions, and that in the realm of the unknown there is an infinite power for good.
-Charlie Chaplin
Click the image below for a printable version.

I'm trying very hard to hold on to faith. This cancer my dad has, it is beatable, but it's also very, very scary. He's going to be starting chemo-radiation very soon.

He's worried about being bald. I told him some of my friends would make him hats. If you want to make him a hat, his head is 20 inches around- youth patterns will work well. He likes skulls, Batman,  aliens, all sorts of things. Any extras we get or hats he won't wear will be donated.
Email me at shala at donteatthepaste DOT com if you want an address.

And if you just want to say a prayer, light a candle or think really good thoughts, I'd be very happy for that too.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

All sorts of things small and large I'm grateful for today

In the last few weeks, my dad's been sick. After a series of tests and getting a CT scan on Monday, his doctor's office called him and told him "You need to go to the ER and admit yourself to the hospital. You have a tumor."

So Monday, we went to the ER with Dad. It was 3:30 in the morning before he was admitted- but we had William go home to get some sleep when it started looking like a long, drawn out process. So we went and got him after he got some sleep and he's been staying with Dad at the hospital. He has a cot that's too short for him, but it's exactly where he wants to be. He and his grandfather have a very close relationship.

He's been poked, prodded and because of his tests, didn't get to eat for over 24 hours that first day.

I'm grateful for his night nurses. Who stopped when I said "He's hungry and getting cranky, when is the window he can eat?" and they called and tracked down the people who were doing the next round of stuff to find out. They've also been talking to him when he needs to talk and bullying him nicely when he needs bullying and telling him how proud they are of him. They are the ones who saw how William fit into the easy chair and brought him the cot to sleep in.

I'm grateful to whoever stocked the vending machines with ice sandwiches- so even though the cafeteria was closed, we could get him ice cream when he could finally eat.

That Doctor with the impossible name and the leather jacket? The lung specialist who is very positive, encouraging and talked to Dad, TG and William about what was happening in a very matter of fact "We can handle this" way and then talked to them about Assassin's Creed? I'm thankful for him.

The radiologist, who showed William the "Targeting System" on her hand, the dot tattoos, and was also very competent and cheerful. I'm grateful to her.

My friends, when I couldn't say what was happening because my dad is so private by nature, just that "Dad needs prayers" who stepped up and are praying, drumming, and wishing for him? I'm grateful to them.

We know a little more now. Still not enough to have a clear plan or prognosis, but we know more than we did Monday. By next Monday we should know a lot more. He had his biopsy today done by that very cool doctor who plays Assassin's Creed.

The lady in the chapel, when William needed a break from being strong, who told William that God is on everyone's side, and that if he needed to speak to a pastor, he could just go down there any time and ask.  Thank you.

The day time nurses are pretty amazing too. They also always take whatever time is necessary with him, and to answer my questions.

Ball Jars- okay, this is a little thing to be grateful for, but it's still there. Those big quart green jars, and the wide mouth lid and straws. You know what they can hold? A full batch of Campbell's Chicken and Stars soup, and the straws are big enough to suck up the stars. So when TG made Dad his favorite soup, he was able to eat it without having to mess with a spoon and trying not to spill on his hospital gown.

My family.

I'm so grateful for my family.  I'm grateful that I get to spend today with my family, eating the very best the hospital cafeteria has to offer.
My husband who thought to buy dad some chocolate as a treat and has been short sleep trying to work and take me back and forth to the hospital and still manages to hold me tight and be my strength.

My daughter, who wanted to know what she could do because the rest of us had stuff to do, and was thrilled to make his first full meal this week. His favorite- a Boar's Head Golden Classic Chicken sandwich, Chicken and Stars soup and Cherry Kool-aid.

My son. The first time Dad saw him, right after he was born, they were connected. Dad gave him ice cream when he was 3 months old even though I told him not to, William and Dad take care of each other, and have for 23 years. This is hard for William, but he's being very strong for his grandfather.

My brother, who stepped up to the line. Who hung up on me and ran on foot to the hospital when I called because it was quicker than getting to his truck.

Dad, every cranky, contrary, whipsmart, stubborn bone in his body. Because he's survived some impossible things, and because he's going to do his best to survive this one because he has so much to live for- because he wants to spend more time with TG, with William, with all of us, he wants to know what happens next.

So this is really long now, and I'm sure a lot of people didn't read it. But here's the big thing-

Where there is love, where there are family or friends, there is a reason for gratitude and appreciation. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Money bag gift box

Money bag gift box

I've loved those cartoon style money bags for years, and planned on making this box a few months ago then forgot. I hope you enjoy it!! You can put gift cards, cash, chocolate coins or candy bars in it.

Click the image below for a larger version, print it on card stock and follow the instructions for assembly.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Home mandala to color AND Groovy Mandalas is available!!

First, the big news!! You can order and get copies of Groovy Mandalas NOW! I got some copies in the mail yesterday and will do a giveaway soon. But yay!! Groovy Mandalas is ready to order. The very last mandala in the book is my favorite one that I've ever drawn. It's complex, intricate, inspired by hippies like my mom and incredibly groovy.

Still hard at work at the color-by-numbers mandala book, but took a break to draw this mandala for you all.
Home is where the heart is mandala

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color. 
Small jpg version-
Home is where the heart is mandala to color in jpg and transparent PNG versions.

Large transparent PNG version-
Home is where the heart is mandala to color in jpg and transparent PNG versions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Printable Veteran's Day gift box

Thank you for your service.

I'm still hard at work on another coloring book but wanted to post a printable box today. I asked TG for ideas and she's still excited from voting so she said "Something patriotic!"

Since Veteran's Day is coming up soon, I decided a gift box that could be filled with chocolate or other treats as a small thank you to the men and women who have served this country so well would be appropriate. I hope you enjoy it. I plan to fill it with hand written coupons for some of my husband's favorite things like "30 minute back rub" and "Roast turkey breast with apple sausage stuffing for dinner" for him.

Click the images below for a larger version, print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold, glue!
Red, white and blue printable gift box

Printable Veteran's Day gift box that says "Thank you for your service"

Monday, November 3, 2014

Christmas Crochet- giveaway, review and blog tour!

It's the season to start really getting ready for Christmas. Edie Eckman, the author of some of my favorite crochet books* has written a wonderful collection of patterns to start decorating. Christmas Crochet for Hearth, Home and Tree is full of easy to accomplish, quick stitched patterns that look good and fit the season perfectly.

My favorite kind of crochet books have both written instructions and international crochet diagrams. This one has both. The written instructions are easy to follow, and the diagrams are clear, and easy to read. The patterns are good for all levels. For people who have been crocheting for a long time, things like the snowy looking 3 dimensional tree decorations will work up in an evening, and putting together enough socks and mittens for a sweet, homey advent calender can be done in a week of evenings. For beginners, they can get practice in following diagrams and simple shaping techniques using worsted weight yarns and simple stitches.

My son is just learning to crochet using another book from Storey, and he's going to help me make the Advent calender.

There are some wonderful Christmas stockings in here as well, and they are also made of worsted weight yarn. You'll find a pattern for everyone in your family so they can all have a different handmade stocking that suits their personality. Bright stripes, polka dots, a complex looking peppermint colored stocking done in seed stitch, some gorgeous single color stockings that use embellishments or texture for interest, and my favorite- the flame stitch stocking which has texture and great color work.

The Christmas tree ornaments are great. My favorite are the felted ornaments. They are worked in motifs and make a great take along project and a good project for beginners since felting is so forgiving. The little birds are another favorite, folksy and simply too cute for words.

The styles are on trend for a homey, comfortable Christmas. Bright colors and easy to find yarn are a winner.

I made one of the snowflake motifs from one of the stockings in thread to decorate a simple headband /bookmark made using 1/8th blue elastic and a button center.

I've been so busy working on a big project, doing some of the small and quick projects from this book is very relaxing.

Storey Publishing gave me a copy of this book to review, but will also give one of you a copy! USA only. Comment on this blog post with your crochet decorating plans for the season to enter or click the Ravelry link below and comment on this blog post with your favorite project. On Monday, November 17th, I'll put all the names in a stocking and let my daughter draw one winner to receive a copy. Don't forget to include some sort of contact information on the comment. Ravelry name, Facebook name or email address.

You can also check out the rest of this blog tour in the next couple of weeks to see projects from the book and get more chances to enter and win a copy!

Check out this book on Ravelry!

Facebook: Edie Eckman and Storey Publishing
Twitter: @EdieEckman and @StoreyPub
Instagram: @StoreyPub

4-Nov Moogly

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Snowflake Mandala to color and news

I love cookies baking.
I know the quote
I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them.
Jared Padalecki
doesn't actually have much to do with the art. It's a stretch- snowflake, winter. But it was good enough to be a good excuse to use a quote about cookies.

So here's the news- Don't Eat the Paste has had over 5,000,000 page views, and there are a few giveaways planned. The first will be starting soon, and I'll be giving 3 readers a copy of one of my favorite books from last year- Snowflakes, Sunbursts and Stars. It's a collection of origami and kirigami projects to paper craft snowflakes, sunbursts and stars shape.  Now two copies I'll give away here. The 3rd I'll be giving away on my Facebook page! So go like the page if you want a chance to win there. When I send them, they will include some Alaskan postcards, a touristy plastic Alaskan key ring and one of my Don't Eat the Paste wooden coins that say "Ubicumque homo est, ibi benefici locus est" around the edge. It means "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness."

But before that, it has snowed here, so here's a snowflake to color! Click on the image for a larger version.
Small jpg:
Snowflake mandala to color- available in PNG and JPG format

Transparent png version:
Snowflake mandala to color- available in PNG and JPG format

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Skull damask printable boxes

Skull damask pattern

I hope you enjoy these skull damask printable boxes for spooky treats! Click on the images for larger versions, print on card stock, cut out, score fold, fold and glue. Would you like these boxes with a purple or orange background as well?

And welcome to all the new readers!! Thank you all for helping get the total hits to Don't Eat the Paste to 5,000,000 a few weeks earlier than expected! If you look on the right hand side of the blog you'll see social buttons so you can follow me in other places. If you're really into geeky things,my daughter pins to a board on my Pinterest that's absolutely unsorted but updated regularly with all sorts of very geeky fandom things.

3x3x1 inch skull damask printable box

2x2x2 inch skull damask printable box

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Book Review- Effortless Bento

Book review: Effortless Bento- edited by SHUFUNOTOMO,

Wow. Seriously, just WOW. This cookbook is my favorite new cookbook for the year.

It's released by Vertical Inc., so as you can guess, it's a carefully edited English edition of a Japanese book. So this is the real thing. The bentos aren't cute, this isn't a how to make cartoon characters out of carrots, nori and rice cookbook. There isn't a hot dog octopus in the whole thing. The focus is attractive and delicious food that can be prepared ahead to pack into a lunch box and the recipes are just as appropriate for adults as for children. These are the lunches you pack to make your co-workers jealous, and to give you a good reason not to skip lunch.

So starting at the beginning, there is a very good overview of how to safely pack lunches so you don't risk giving yourself a case of food poisoning. It talks about the different kinds of bento boxes, how to keep things cool, and how to pack the lunches so everything is at the optimum temperature.

Then the recipes. 300 of them! Now, I know that some recipes aren't going to appeal to everyone. For example, my husband won't eat squid. My son will. My daughter is hit and miss with nori, and my son eats it toasted instead of chips. Well, actually I think every single recipe in this book is something my son would eat. He loves Japanese food. This cookbook has a lot of tasty options for Americanized tastes. You cook a certain number of servings ahead of time, and freeze or refrigerate them so packing lunch is fast.

Some of the ingredients can be tricky to find if you don't live in an area with great markets but a lot of the recipes are a lot more accessible. So you might not be able to find fishcake and lotus root- but pork cutlets and panko crumbs are easy to find. Some recipes you can make substitutes. Like if you can't find kabocha in your area, substitute butternut squash. The cooking methods are easy to learn.

The truth is, as much as I'm loving the recipes, the book is worth it for the tips, hints, and quick recipes sections which include furikake (rice seasoning), pickles, vegetables, instant soups and a nice collection of onigiri (rice balls) recipes.

I'm loving this cookbook, and happily recommend it.
Like Vertical Inc on Facebook to find out more about the cookbooks, craft books and manga they publish! affiliate links don't affect your cost, and provide extra income to me personally, which helps support this site.

I received a complimentary copy of this book to review, I received no other compensation, and my review is my honest opinion of the book. You can read more about my review policy here.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rainbow moon coloring page

Rainbow, stars and moon coloring page

This weekend was awfully busy, but it was all working on other things like the new coloring book, some more fabric designs on Spoonflower and a ruffly crocheted bracelet (well, that will wind up being posted here). So this coloring page was part of a project that I was working on a while back. I hope you like it! If you print it on a translucent paper to color, it would be pretty in a window.

Click on the images for larger versions to print and color.
Small JPG version:
Rainbow, moon and stars coloring page- available in jpg and png format.

Large transparent PNG
Rainbow, moon and stars coloring page- available in jpg and png format.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Stained glass effect pumpkin gift box

I would rather sit on a pumpkin quote
It's nippy outside! After taking an enforced break due to an injury (pinched a nerve in my shoulder and my arm was going to sleep every time it was in the wrong position e.g.: drawing) I'm back and hard at work on my next coloring book.

I hope you enjoy this pumpkin printable gift box!
printable stained glass effect pumpkin gift box #papercrafts #printables #Halloween

In other news- I'm still really wanting a pair of knee high Gipsy Dharma boots. I keep winding up on her site and just drooling over the gorgeous boots. 

The Amazing Turnip Girl has Twitter now! Look for @TATG_Kairi if you'd like to follow her. She and I are planning a wand tutorial soon. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Printable paper gemstone rounds

Printable gemstones for costumes or decorations- with a file for hand cutting and PNG files to use with the Cricut Explore!

I love magnets, especially the ones that are made by members of my family. These are super easy, but you don't have to use the paper gemstones for magnets. They can also be used as decorations on cards, glued on to bobby pins that have a glue pad, or turned into jewelry for part of a Halloween costume.

So for people who like to print and cut, you'll click below for the larger image, print out this page on card stock and cut out.
Printable gemstones

Now in a minute, I'm going to tell you how I did them. but the finishing methods for both versions are the same. 2 layers of cardstock are pretty stiff which is why they work as magnets and accessories. If you use any kind of ink that might smudge- spray the color printed disks with a clear sealing spray. After that dries, use Mod Podge to adhere a blank disk to the back of a colored disk. Mod Podge over the top, and let dry. Mod Podge on the bottom and let dry. Now you can choose if you're going to use Dimensional Magic. I did, and I like the look but the finish did crack on a couple. Let that dry for 24 hours, and use a strong glue to attach it to what ever you're using them on! (Small round ceramic disk magnets on mine!)

So what did I do different? Print and cut with the Cricut Explore. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this thing? The new update allows you to print using your home printer and then cut out your image. So all of my disks were perfectly cut and so were the blank backs. So when you update, and go into Design Space, you'll calibrate and watch videos that show you how to use the new update. 

The new update works with PNG files!! So here are those files for you to use (and you have my permission to use them in other Cricut projects)- click on them to download and save the transparent PNGs
Green gem

Printable diamond

blue gem

red gem

purple gem

So I went to edit, and put them all at 1.5 inches in size- this is what my print preview looked like after getting them laid out. It shows the bleed of my outside color so if the alignment is even a little off, it still looks great. 

Then after I printed and cut that, I flattened all the images, and switched them to cut and cut them from another sheet of card stock. 

Yes, it does work with more detailed cuts. I'll show that later this week! 

Using my Amazon links helps pay for this site and helps fund my book addiction.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Book Review- Travel Origami

A review of Travel Origami by Cindy Ng, a book with fun and functional projects to fold

I love functional origami, and paper crafting with unexpected materials. So this book is a perfect fit for my interests, and hopefully for yours as well.

The projects are for novice to advanced beginner folders. They are fairly quick with some modular designs and some single sheet designs which use materials like paper money, postcards, maps and comic books. Because the paper styles are adaptable and sourced from things you can find easily, you could also use glossy magazines or sometimes newspapers.

The models are diagrammed in a modified traditional style and laid out right to left with a clear back and front of the paper done in bright colors that's easy to see and read. The guide to the folds is clear and easy to follow which makes it good for novices.

The models themselves are mostly functional. Lots of wearable projects like rings, a bracelet and a necklace. The suggested papers are just that- suggestions. You can cut any paper to fit the dimensions which are clearly stated.

There are picture frames, little dishes to hold small things in, envelopes, gift wrap bag and decorative items like the modular postcard star on the cover. My favorite project is the modular money bowl which is a cute bowl with feet. It does require adhesion so you can just use a dollar as a pattern on a different type of paper to make it if you'd like.

I love the idea of saving your memorabilia in a way that it can be used and displayed daily, and this book is a way to do that.

Follow Tuttle Books on Facebook!

Not related to this wonderful book- Don't Eat the Paste looks like it's going to reach 5 MILLION page views this month. So I got some coins made up to celebrate.

I had them made by Gainsville Mint, and recommend them if you ever want things like this made. They were easy to work with, my original art include the logo heart and the ring with my URL in it using the same font that's in my header. They put in the create it text and the quote on the front which reads "Ubicumque homo est, ibi beneficio locus est. - Seneca", translated Ubicumque homo est, ibi beneficio locus est means "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness" affiliate links don't affect your cost, and provide extra income to me personally, which helps support this site.

I received a complimentary copy of this book to review, I received no other compensation, and my review is my honest opinion of the book. You can read more about my review policy here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pumpkin Mandala- Happy Autumn!

Pumpkin mandala for autumn- blank version available to color

Well, it's autumn now! I hope you enjoy this pumpkin mandala to color for the season.
Recipes, crochet pattern, printables and coloring pages - Pumpkins on Don't Eat the Paste

Click the images for larger versions to color.

Small jpg:
Free printable pumpkin mandala to color or embroider- available in jpg or transparent PNG

Large transparent PNG version:
Free printable pumpkin mandala to color or embroider- available in jpg or transparent PNG

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Banned Books cross stitch bookmark pattern

It's Banned Books week! You can find out more about banned and challenged books at the American Library Association site here or by checking out Banned Books Week.

I excerpted part of a quote from President Kennedy on this pattern.
If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in more public libraries. These libraries should be open to all — except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.
-John F. Kennedy, Saturday Review (29 October 1960)

This is designed to be stitched on 18 count fabric, and will fit a bookmark at least 1 3/4s inch wide and 7 inches long that's 18 count. Use a single strand for the back stitch. Click on the image for a larger version to print!
Cross stitch pattern- I read banned books! bookmark

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Printable cheeseburger gift boxes

Print and make this cute cheeseburger gift box! #printables #papercrafts

Cheeseburgers! Can you believe there is a National Cheeseburger Day?

This printable cheeseburger box comes with or without a cute face. The sesame seeds are because TG has a strong preference for sesame seed buns.

Click the images for larger versions, print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold and glue!
Printable cheeseburger box- also available without the cute face.

Printable cheeseburger box- also available with a cute face.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Upcycled Briefcase into a Stenciled Art Case with FolkArt paints and stencils

How to stencil a stylish case for art supplies using FolkArt Multi-Surface paints #plaidcraft

This is a sponsored post, which means I got free products and paid for writing it. All opinions are my own and based on my experience. 

Getting the chance to use FolkArt Stencils and Paints for a project was a lot of fun. So first I'd like to talk about the supplies because they are incredibly nifty. Find FolkArt® stencils, paint and more at Michaels.

FolkArt Multisurface Paint- If you're a craft painter, you want this paint. It comes in a bunch of colors and some really gorgeous finishes. I got to use a pearl finish and some metallic finishes in my project. In 3 weeks it air cures on smooth surfaces like glass and ceramics, it works on plastic, on paper, on every surface that gets painted in my home. We are using it this weekend on some white cups, and possibly on some white blankets. As much as everyone in my family likes to upcycle, this is our new favorite paint.

FolkArt Stencils- laser cut precise stencils, these have perfect sharp edges that are smooth, lots of detail and are reusable. They also come in lots of trendy designs, like the jaguar stencil that I used.

FolkArt Stencil Adhesive- I love this stuff. You apply it to the back of your stencil- it daubs on. Then your stencil is lightly adhesive and won't move around. If you make sure to get the fine details that might come up when you pounce your paint on, they don't move either. Then you can peel up the stencil easily and it doesn't leave a sticky residue. Best part? Even if you're re-using the stencil in your project, you only have to apply it once. It stays sticky for a few uses.

So I had a lot of ideas, but decided on making the art case for my daughter because she can keep a lot of her supplies nice and neat in it. So many people have switched to using laptops and bags that briefcases are all over thrift stores and garage sales. They are perfectly designed for paper and art supplies with a hinged lid and rigid build to keep everything very flat. So you'll need to find a briefcase in good condition in a thrift store.

You'll also need your favorite paint applicators, foam plates and painter's tape. I used a larger sponge for stenciling and a foam roller. My photos show a sheet of vinyl for the first part instead of painters tape because the vinyl was damaged and convenient.

The colors I used are
Metallic 14K Gold
Metallic Bright Gold
Metallic Chocolate Brown
Mandarin Satin Pearl

So the first thing you'll do is block off the middle top of your briefcase.
Put some paint on the foam plate. I put on a few colors, starting with the golds, and adding a few small spots of the other two colors. Paint the edges of the case. Pull up the tape and let it dry.

While it's drying, daub the back of the stencil with the FolkArt stencil adhesive. After the FolkArt paint is dry, put the stencil in place in the center of the case.
You can tell that I tried out the stencil first! Make sure the small areas that might come up while your pounce are well adhered. Because of the texture of the case, using a nearly dry brush and going over it twice worked better than using a lot of paint and helped prevent bleeding into the texture. Pounce the brush, and shade your colors from lightest down to the bottom with darkest. As you can see, the stencil needed to be moved to finish. I let the paint dry, then put the stencil on the bottom to put in the last little bit.

The final step is the stripe edging. Make sure all your paint is dry before taping.
As you can see- I used just the gold for the inner stripe, and gold and brown for the outer stripe. The difference between the stripe and the edging is subtle and looks really good.

My daughter is thrilled with the case, and even my son said it looks neat. I think he plans to pinstripe a case for himself using the same colors. The finishes are so nice looking.

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