
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Superheroes Wear Masks Coloring Page


A conversation with friends about capes and cloaks led to me asking "What do you think of a coloring page with the theme Superheroes wear masks, show us what your cape looks like."? 

They were enthused. A further conversation with a counselor who sometimes uses my coloring pages brought up the idea of adding something expressing that everyone has super powers/things to be proud of.. 

This is going to be a series. The base design will be the same, but with different hair styles- and I'll be posting the no-hair version too. 

These are the first ones. I hope you like them. If you have a specific request for a hair style, please let me know in the comments or at Don't Eat the Paste on Facebook. 

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color. 

Superhero coloring page 1 - large transparent png version

Superheroes wear masks coloring page- part of a series, available in png and jpg #coloringpages #Covid19

Superhero coloring page 1 - small jpg version

Superheroes wear masks coloring page- part of a series, available in png and jpg #coloringpages #Covid19

Superhero coloring page 2 - large transparent png version

Superheroes wear masks coloring page- part of a series, available in png and jpg #coloringpages #Covid19

Superhero coloring page 2 - small jpg version

Superheroes wear masks coloring page- part of a series, available in png and jpg #coloringpages #Covid19

I hope you enjoy them!

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