
Friday, February 22, 2013

Wear the old coat printable reading quote

Wear the old coat and buy the new book quote

"Wear the old coat and buy the new book" -Austin Phelps
The image above is shareable on FB from my page. (which recently hit over 900 fans WOOT!)

The image below is printable. Click on the image for a larger version and print it! As usual, I recommend Astrobrights paper. Mostly because it's what I use for all my black and white quotes and it's so cheerful and pretty.

My husband will tell you that much to his annoyance, that's exactly what I do. I have sweaters that are darned in mismatched colors and sometimes look very much like a tatterdemalion in my long skirts, old sweaters and worn out shoes. But given 100 dollars and a choice of things, I'd rather have a half dozen books than a few new shirts. It's where the choice between crafty items and books comes up that it gets hard. My old coat is still warm. 

I also posted some brick stitch bead patterns on BellaOnline Beadwork for St. Patrick's Day.

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