
Friday, December 21, 2012

Snowflake Tree Coloring Page

Happy Solstice! I was planning something different today, but then just got very relaxed creating this, so today is a coloring page! Click on the images below for larger versions to color.

Small jpg version:

Large transparent png version:

In other news- today I got a short message from a childhood friend on FB. It's not the first time, but every time I'm a little startled by this time machine that Facebook can be, people from the past and future friends. Then comes that moment you look at them and think "Gosh, they look so grown up." because it doesn't feel like that much time has gone by, are we all grown ups now? I mean, I know, my son voted in his first presidential election, my husband and I are closer to 20 years than 10 years together. But I don't feel like a grown up, until I see those old friends and realize, YIKES. It has been that long.
Part of it of course is the holidays, you remember past holidays, people you haven't seen in a very long time.
So, old friends and new, I hope your longest night passes safely and happily.

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