
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Amiens Cathedral inspired printable box

Amiens Cathedral floor labyrinth

Amiens Cathedral in France is a gorgeous Gothic cathedral in France, and is just an amazing example of engineering and artistry in the early 13th century. Last night, my husband and I watched Building the Great Cathedrals on Nova, and you all know how much I love rose windows and architectural details. You can watch it online for free here at the PBS/Nova website and the show is just wonderful.
What really got my attention was the floors at Amiens, black and grey brickwork in geometric patterns including the labyrinth above. I used them as my inspiration for the printable box below. Instead of doing it in color, the black and white seemed to suit, so the fold and cut lines are in grey.

Click the image for a larger version. Print on card stock, cut out, score folds, fold, glue!
Amiens Cathedral inspired printable box with the floor labyrinth

1 comment:

  1. I watched the same program and was also taken by the patterns on the floor. I thought of a quilt made of black and white (or gray or cream) blocks made in those crisp geometric patterns. Thanks for the link you provide to the program. Now I can look at those patterns again and try to remember them.


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