
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tumbling Blocks Boxes

I've been pretty obsessed with optical illusions and impossible objects lately, so you're going to see some of that reflected in what I post this week. I hope you enjoy these printable 2x2x2 inch boxes!

Click on the images for larger versions, print on card stock, cut out, score, fold, glue!

I posted a couple bracelet patterns on BellaOnline Beadwork last week and completely forgot to post the link here! Here you go Fall Fashion Geometric Bracelet Patterns

In medical news, if  you've been following the drama in the last few months, I finally got to talk to a neurologist. Since all the tests so far have been clean, they are pretty sure it's intercranial hypertension. Absolutely treatable and caught in the very early stages. On Tuesday the 25th, I have a lumbar puncture scheduled, and that's the definitive test to see if that's what I have.
The biggest danger with that, as big and scary as it sounds is that the pressure in my head can permanently damage my optic nerve, causing blindness. They want me to lose 10-20 lbs and go on medication if it that winds up being the diagnosis.

I'm incredibly grateful my glass broke when they did, and that my prescription was expired, because it was caught while I am still completely asymptomatic. No headaches, dizziness or the other issues that generally tip off doctors something is wrong. It was a routine eye exam that caught it. The optometrist noticed an irregularity, and sent me to an ophthalmologist. He looked further into it, and referred me to neurology. It was terrifying at first because they started by ruling out a lot of very scary things. Get your eyes checked regularly! 

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