
Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 radish recipes I want to try

Radishes are really wonderful. They grow easily and quickly which make them a great starter vegetable for kids to grow. Since a lot of types are ready in 3 weeks planting every 2 weeks ensures a regular supply over the summer. The whole plant is edible. Radish greens can be cooked like most greens or put into salads or pickled. I'm planting organic cherry belle radishes, while they do well in poor soil, I also worked organic plant food into the soil before planting.
My daughter loves that they are coming up so quickly compared to carrots. I'm collecting radish recipes for the bounty that's growing now.

So here's my list of 10 radish recipes I'm really looking forward to trying:
The Root:

Out to Lunch with @MadameHuang has Sichuan's gorgeous radish pickles, the recipe is written for icicle radishes but will work with Western radishes as well. Spicy-sweet, these would be wonderful with summer salads.

Just Bento has Sweet/sour/salty "instant" pickles flavored with ume vinegar and strawberries. My daughter loves sour flavors, and this will probably be her favorite recipe. There are also furikake recipes available on this site.'s Quick Radish Pickles are super simple with a ginger sweet flavor that's perfect for summer. It's also a very small recipe, using only 7 radishes.

Bon Appetit has Shaved-Radish Sandwiches which pair thin slices of radish with an herbed butter for a crunchy  sandwich perfect for tea.

Sarah's Cucina Bella has a Grilled Radish Packet recipe which promise to tame the peppery flavor. She's a recovering radish hater, so this may be the recipe to convert people who don't know how wonderful radishes are.

PopArtichoke's Ravishing Radishes Part 1 is a recipe for Sautéed Radishes with Thyme-Garlic Bread

Rak's Kitchen offers this Mooli Paratha recipe for an Indian flatbread cooked with radishes. This is a bit more work than the above recipes, but it's the one I'm most looking forward to making.

Radish greens are a natural for furikake, my recipe is in the organic plant food link above. I'd also like to try

PopArtichoke's Ravishing Radishes Part 2: Radish Leaf Furikake, very spicy and simple to make. I think my son will love this.

Kalyn's Kitchen's Spicy Stir-fry Radish Greens look like a great quick, vegan lunch option.

Vegan Visitor has a Radish greens soup perfect for rainy summer days.

I'll be making printable radish recipe cards using the art above soon. The link for the seeds is an Amazon. affiliate link. I *always* recommend natural fertilizers and organic seeds. Organic fertilizers jump starts your seeds, then compost for feeding the rest of the growing season.

Today it's finally raining, so we don't have to water our plants.

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