
Monday, September 19, 2011

Thunderbird Falls with photos

Thunderbird Falls is a 200 high foot fall that's a fairly easy 1 mile trail hike (one direction) in Chugach State Park.
Most photos at 50%. I resized the ones of my family a bit smaller. Click on the images for the larger versions. Yes. It really is that pretty. I took about 80 photos total, these are some of my favorites.
At the head of the trail was some bear sign. I did NOT take a photo of that, although Michael spent a minute looking at it to make sure it wasn't fresh.
Fairly soon in. We saw this sign. We saw lots of these signs on the trail.

The trail is pretty wide, no need to be nervous. 
T.G. and William- for scale, William is 6'1". TG is 5'3".
That's a birch forest by the way. Birch grows really well here. We use birch frequently in our grilling because Michael prefers wood to commercial charcoal which contains coal. We also buy birch syrup*  for pancakes and to use in homemade cream soda. Birch bark is used in many crafts up here, and my indispensable wooden spoons are made of birch. I love birch. 
Another photo of the trail
The trail rolls, with most of the steeper parts being in the direction of the falls viewing area. So it was nice knowing that it was going to be easier coming back out.
I love ferns for their fractal nature. 
About halfway up the trail is a viewing area to see the gorge. That's a photo taken of the creek at the bottom of the gorge. While we were standing there, open mouthed because of the beauty, a bug flew in my mouth. I spit it out. Ick. 
Thunderbird Falls
The falls were beautiful. In the winter, they sometimes freeze up completely and are just a shimmering ice sculpture. Michael suggested coming back in the winter to see the trees covered in hoarfrost and the falls all frozen. BRR! I said that I wasn't sure the beauty would be worth freezing or walking an icy trail. So we will see.
Closer view
Even closer
Michael took the even closer photo. He was carrying my Kodak, and I had my Fuji. He loves zooming in close. 
T.G. in a scarf she knitted herself without a pattern.
My darling husband, preparing to pretend to be a waterfall.
I posted some of these pics on my FB page, and a friend of ours saw them and said "That picture of Michael just really is perfect. It catches his personality." Yes. That's my husband who makes me laugh regularly. He had just taken a big mouthful of water and was getting ready to spit it out in his impersonation of a waterfall.

It was a lovely day. 

*not affiliated, just love their products.


  1. I enjoyed this post SO MUCH Shala! thank you for sharing this beauty of nature and of family


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