
Friday, September 16, 2011

Chevron boxes and a chevron chain

Chevron 2x2 printable gift boxes in 4 colorways. I hope you like them. Click on the images for larger versions. Print on card stock, cut, score, fold, glue!

Recently someone left a comment that they weren't able to print out my boxes anymore since I started increasing the DPI on them. If you're printing from a browser with these style boxes, you'll want to set your printer settings to Fit to Page. Most of my single page boxes are set up on an 8x10 page so fit to page will be just right. With the 2 page boxes, it's very important to print both pages at the same DPI, so if it downloads for you at 200 dpi, print both pages at that setting.
I really recommend for printing from a browser, switching to Chrome browser. It's print preview gives you a look at exactly how it's going to print and it's "smart" enough to handle higher DPI settings.

Instructions for this chevron chain are HERE. It's made fairly quickly in one of my favorite bead stitch techniques.

1 comment:

  1. The box templates are out of this world, especially the ones that can be used for the menfolk in our lives (I always find it difficult to find "male" images) these are great. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity for sharing these with us.


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