
Friday, August 19, 2011

Deer coloring page

Click on the image for the larger version. You can use this for embroidery, coloring, pyrography or leather tooling. 

I have lots of coloring pages that can be used for all sorts of crafty purposes, but I was a little shy about uploading this deer. Animals are out of my comfort zone and I never ever feel like they are quite good enough to post. My daughter encouraged me to post this one and got a good chuckle out of my example version. If you get the joke, get off the computer! Go outside and play! If you don't, tl;dr is used on a lot of forums, and also as comments on fanfic when someone posts something very long, either a viewpoint, explanation or story.  It stands for too long; didn't read. But if you try to say tl;dr it sounds like teal deer. Since I'm on a teal/purple/apple green kick, I couldn't resist coloring my deer teal instead of tan/brown.

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