
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Japan Training Squadron 2011

There is a Japan Training Squadron currently making a tour and giving tours. The first port was Anchorage so we took a bus out today to see the ships.
It was really nifty. There are 3 ships. Because of the security for the docks, we got bussed out on a tour bus. Seeing the ships as we got closer, my oh so cool 15 year old looked at me and grinned. We got off the bus, and we were greeted getting on board. Everyone was so nice. They handed us some literature about the ships, and then we got to take the tour. Or rather, my young adults got to take the tour. I took one look at the ladder and decided they could do that part without me. After they saw the "really big guns!" and came back to an area I didn't have to climb a ladder to get to, we rejoined. There was a helicopter on the landing area of one of the ships that everybody could climb in and look around. All photos except the one below are at 50% and you can click the images to see the full sized versions. The one below is 25%.
William and the Turnip Girl looking at the helicopter

Everyone was so friendly and willing to answer questions. Some of the sailors were just as eager to take photos of us as the visitors. 
I couldn't resist taking this photo of two sailors against the backdrop of Mt. Susitna.
The flags of the 3 ships in port.

The shot below is because I told my musician friend, Auriplane, that I'd "get a photo of anything I thought would be interesting, but it might be something random."  She has lots of free, original compositions on her website. I like her music quite a bit, my daughter LOVES her music. Instrumental melodies and some video game covers. 

The names of the three ships are the Kashima, the Asagiri, and the Miniyuki. If you have the chance to tour the ships while they are on tour, and have kids or a partner who would enjoy it, do. I wish my dad and husband didn't have to work, they would have loved it so much. My son and daughter both thought it was fantastic.
Scheduled stops:
Anchorage! That's us, and they will be leaving tomorrow. They only gave tours yesterday and today though. 
Seattle (USA)/Vancouver (Canada)- June 15-18 
San Fransisco (USA)  June 21-24
San Diego (USA) June 23-26
Panama City (Panama) 8-12 July
Veracruz (Mexico) July 18-21
Tampa (USA) July 25-28
Norfolk (USA) August 2-7
Halifax (Canada) August 11-14
Panama City (Panama) August 23-25
Valparaiso (Chile) September 6-9
Callao (Peru) September 14-17
Manzanillo (Mexico) September 26-28
Pearl Harbor (USA) October 10-13
Then they arrive back at home in Japan on October 27 as long as everything goes according to plan. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an awesome time; I bet my boys would love it:) Thanks for the tour dates - maybe we'll be able to swing a visit when they're in Norfolk.


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