
Friday, February 4, 2011

Book Review- Inspired Remnants, Curious Dreams

x-posted from Beadwork at BellaOnline, because this book also fits in very well here.

Inspired Remnants, Curious Dreams is a book about how to use epoxy clays in mixed media and altered art.
If you haven't used epoxy clays, they are two part clays that you mix together then form in a mold or by hand. Then it cures into a hard plastic that can be sanded, drilled, polished and painted.
The introduction of the book covers in a lot more detail what epoxy clay is,how to use it and how to create molds using silicone to cast the clay.
Then it gets into the projects and versatility of the fun medium. Using this clay to create mosaics and other decorating pieces, but also using it to create jewelry.
The jewelry projects are just absolutely inspiring and gorgeous. With a vintage effect out of a fairly new material, they incorporate words, images, wire and other things and are finished in ways that create a very artistic and dramatic look to the pieces.
The effects in this book remind me a lot of the feeling and look of steampunk. However you could use the same techniques to create brighter and more modern pieces very easily. It's a gorgeous and inspiring book. Some of the bigger projects are very involved using a wide variety of media. The smaller ones can be completed in a weekend, including curing time and time for paints and finishes to dry, only a few hours actual working time. Recommended for people who want to try something new and easy to make custom focal pieces for their jewelry, people who love steampunk jewelry and for art doll makers. Actually, for any crafty artist who wants to learn more epoxy clay.
You can get this book from the publisher at MyCraftivity. Or by clicking the affiliate links.

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