
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kiss Boxes! 5 colors

Nothing is sweeter for Valentine's Day than a kiss from someone you love right?

Because of the detail of this design, it's in 300 ppi. Be careful with your score lines. The labels on the bottom of the kisses were printed on sticker paper and punched with a 3/4 inch hole punch*. 80 fits on a page, so you can use them on the bottom of kisses for 20 boxes if you wanted to. 2 boxes print out on a page. So if you were feeling very very ambitious, 2 sheets of sticker paper and 20 sheets of card stock would be enough for a class of 40 kids. Or you can use the little 3/4 inch circles to close things up like I did on the box on the right. Click on the images for the full sized versions.

The Uchida 3/4 inch circle punch is the one I used. The link is an affiliate link which helps support my craft and book addiction.


  1. What a sweet idea, I love this! Yay for candy. =) And you know I'll be linking!

  2. What wonderful boxes for Valentine day or any romantic occasion. Thank you so much for sharing these. At the moment I am so strapped financially that kind people like yourself are god send.


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