
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Celestial Mandala box, card and coloring page

Still on a mandala kick. This one is one of my favorites so far. Simple with 4 points, lots of swirls and a celestial theme. The original is a bit bigger than the version I used on the printables. Except for the coloring page, the printables are 300 ppi. Click on the images for the full sized versions. Hope you like this as much as I do!

I liked this one so much that I put it on Don' t Eat The Paste at Zazzle and plan to order a teeshirt soon.


  1. This is a really great design. I like the magical quality of the celestial elements. I could see warm earthy colors working well with the mandala too.

  2. Shala, I found you by searching for printable recipe cards at ...I fell in love with you when I read your first post about finding your grandmother's recipe box! I searched out all your posts on your website and now cannot wait to share the recipes with my mother! My mom's love of cooking and 'no fear' attitude toward cooking has been my biggest inspiration in the kitchen and is what inspires me to teach my own daughter today! Thank you for sharing your precious memories! I cannot wait to perhaps come across more!

  3. This mandala is very pretty and the coloring very nice. Really a great design.

  4. It would be so cool if you make just the Sun Coloring Page from the Celestial Mandala design. It also would be cool if you make just the Moon Coloring Page from the Celestial Mandala design.

  5. I printed this out in four quadrants. I'm coloring them with crayons and then I'll frame them separately. I plan on hanging the full mandala in my guest bathroom. I love the colors you used! :)

  6. Love your mandala designs - so different from all the others. Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Are we allowed to print and share the mandelas which we have colored on coloring groups on facebook?

    1. As long as you aren't sharing the blank images, absolutely. If you can link back to my site, that's great too.


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