
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Miniature Printable Witch Hat

Like my printable Princess crowns or Alice printables, this can be printed and strung on elastic to wear as a hat.
It is however, just a little tricky to put together.

Click on the images for the full sized 100 ppi printables. 
I curved the top part of the hat by pulling it at an angle across the edge of my desk. I really recommend using double sided tape to put together the cone and put the top of the base into the hat, the tabs are wide enough for it. Then use a thin coat of glue to put the bottom part of the base of the hat on it, and go over the cut edges with a marker so they aren't white against the rest of the hat.Take 3 sheets of card stock. 2 Halloweenish color ways and I'll work on more designs this week.


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