

My other sites
Shala's Beadwork
My personal website

Don't Eat the Paste
Dozens of free printable boxes, cards and other sorts.If you like what's here, you'll love the original page.
Craft reviews! Books and tools

AKBrewReview - Alaskan coffees and beers on review, as well as descriptions of some of the local coffee shops.

Free Beading Graph Paper
30 kinds of graph paper for beaders

Beadwork at, for women, by women. I'm the beadwork host.

Favorite Blogs-
One Pretty Thing - Rachel puts together some of the best round ups ever, and I'm very honored to have been included in a few of them

All Things Paper - Ann Martin's quilling is an inspiration.

Not Martha - Fantastic projects, recipes and links.

Abigail's Craft How To- Abigail is an English woman living in Japan, and her crafts reflect both cultures.

The Graphics Fairy - free public domain graphics, she finds the prettiest stuff to scan and post!

Favorite Sites-
The Coffee Roastery - Located in Palmer, Ron roasts some of the best coffee I've ever had, this page is powered by it!

Marian Call - Marian's singing style is a mix of jazz, folk and rock. Honest and intelligent lyrics with her amazing voice. I can't recommend her albums enough, my whole family loves her music.

Avalon Dreaming currently offers a few vintage items and maille jewelry pieces. It's being expanded to include more jewelry and handmade accessories soon. 
Avalon Dreaming - Jehanna makes lovely fine maille pieces.

Amy's Rag Bag  Cloth pads made with post consumer recycled fabrics in a great system. Highly recommended if you are thinking of making the switch. This is my daughter's favorite system and she loves it.