
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

2018 Snowflake knot to print and color

Snowflake knot with a blank version to print and color

It's that time! Our first snow here was pretty late in the season, but it's definitely winter now. Here is this year's snowflake knotwork to print and color. I hope you like it.

Click for larger versions.

Small jpg snowflake knot to print and color:
Snowflake knotwork to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png

Large transparent png snowflake knot to print and color:
Snowflake knotwork to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Vote coloring page

vote coloring page #coloringbook #voting #elections

Yay! I'm back. With a new coloring page. So let's get right to that.

It's that time of the year in the USA. Voting is very important to my family. We make a family event of it. This is a fairly simple coloring page. I'd LOVE to see this one colored in patterns and other interesting techniques.

If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy,they will be best attained when all persons alike share in the government to the utmost.
Small jpg coloring page:
Vote! coloring page with an Aristotle quote  #coloring #elections #voting

Large transparent png coloring page:
Vote! coloring page with an Aristotle quote  #coloring #elections #voting

If you're wondering what happened:

My vision is just bad enough that last year it got to the point where I had to go to bifocals or reading glasses. I'm really near-sighted. Normal vision changes in the last year though meant my regular glasses got a little strong  even for distance, and were entirely too strong for working on my computer. My reading glasses weren't strong enough.  So a couple months ago, I talked to my optometrist and got a prescription for reading glasses that is just right for drawing or reading. 

So for the end of summer, it was all about picking berries with my family and doing all sorts of fun things like that. This year was our BEST year ever for berry picking. We found an amazing place for saskatoon (aka service berries, June berries) berries, and we picked 7 gallons of lingonberries plus our normal raspberries. TG put up a lot of jam, and we gave away quite a bit too.  There will be a post about that soon. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

There, their, they're coloring page

There, their, they're coloring page- blank available

I saw a fantastic picture shared by a teaching friend on Facebook with there and their written neatly with the arrow head for there and the stick figure for their to show the difference and it inspired this coloring page. Turning the apostrophe in they're to an a was my addition.

I hope you enjoy this!!

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color.

There, their, they're coloring page- small jpg:
there, their, they're coloring page- available in jpg and transparent png #school #grammar

There, their, they're coloring page- large transparent png: 

there, their, they're coloring page- available in jpg and transparent png #school #grammar

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I Voted! coloring page

I Voted!

Hey! It's that time of the year again. Primaries leading up to the general election. Ballot measures and all that stuff.

I hope you enjoy my take on the "I Voted!" stickers and enjoy coloring this in.

Click the images below for larger versions of this "I Voted!" coloring page. Print on landscape settings.

Small jpg version:
I VOTED! coloring page to print and color. Available in jpg and transparent png versions. #Patriotism #Election

Large transparent png version:
I VOTED! coloring page to print and color. Available in jpg and transparent png versions. #Patriotism #Election

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Strawberries, mint and green onions

I love spring and summer so much. Starting in January, I'll start planning what will be planted, start planning my foraging trips with my family to get the ingredients for my salves, teas and foods.

One of my favorite things is watching my perennial plants come back, and being able to make gifts of them to friends. There are a few people who have rhubarb plants that came from my original 10 dollar tiny rhubarb crown, quite a few who are growing raspberries that originally came from 3 plants my kids and I put in over a decade ago, and of course, every year, I give out a bunch of strawberry plants.

My favorite 4 plants to give to friends are mint, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb. I know the ones I have grow well up here because they've done well for me with minimal care. My initial rhubarb plant is now 5 large rhubarbs!

Propagating the type of strawberries I have is really easy. I have a well established patch and every year, I'll pull up a few large crowns and plant them to let them send runners. The reason I put them in their own pots is that way I can put them somewhere convenient to surround with smaller pots to root the runners.

Runners are long stems with a node or two on them that will root. I'm holding one over the plan in this picture.

I've found this can be a good time to do some decorative planting. In this picture, you see a couple runners planted in a vintage colander I picked up. In fall, I'll dig up the crowns and put them in a larger pot or in a bed. 

But mostly, I just put them in small pots to give to friends to start their own strawberry patches. I use the same soil mix that I do for my garden. Any basic container mix works just fine. Strawberries are pretty hardy. 

I'll use a small piece of wire bent into a U to pin the node on the runner in place until it roots.  The pin is sticking up here. I pushed it in right after this photo was taken. I've also used hair pins in a pinch. 

When it starts looking like a plant and growing new leaves, you can tug slightly on it to see if it's established roots. If it has, cut the runner between the mother plant and your new baby strawberry. 

Mint is super easy to propagate. It will root in water.  Cut longish stems, and strip all but the top few leaves from the stem. The leaves you strip can be dried for tea, used as garnish or my favorite? Dumped in a glass of cold water to flavor it. 

These are chocolate mint plants that I'm starting now. They will go in a sunny window indoors and I'll switch the water very 3-4 days. In a couple weeks, they will develop more leaves, and start growing roots as well. 
When they have some nice roots on them, you can take them out of the water and put them in soil. That's what I did with these plants. They were transplanted into a pot directly outdoors a couple weeks ago  It's a different type of mint! 

Obligatory mint warning!
Mint will grow everywhere given a chance. It's generally a very neighborly thing to keep it contained.

A few of my friends will get pots set up for indoor growing using an indoor medium, some will get outdoor plants they can choose what they will do with it.

The next one isn't a gifting plant- but it's one of The Amazing Turnip Girl's favorite plants because as she puts it "Green onions are the easiest thing to pirate!!"

I swear she watches for the first batch of green onions I buy for a recipe in spring. She cuts them down but leaves the white bulbous ends to put in dirt. Then through out summer, she keeps it watered and cuts fresh green onions as wanted or needed for recipes.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Dandelion Jelly!!

Dandelion jelly recipe

Most of the time, we have enough dandelions in our yard for fried dandelions but not much past that because we really love fried dandelions. This year though has been a banner year for those happy sunshine flowers.

I know my yard has not been touched with weed killers or dangerous chemicals in the 16 years we've lived here, so I don't have any problems with harvesting from my yard.

My daughter is the jelly and jam maker in our home. She was enthused about trying this recipe from her grandmother.

Well, until I told her we had to pick about 11 cups of dandelions.
But picking the petals off of them went a lot faster with 3 of us. We just pinched the green ends off, then peeled off the green to get all the petals. It wound up being 8 cups of petals total.

So this is a recipe we don't double- but we do make enough tea to make 2 batches back to back.

We used pint jars because well, we do use pint jars usually for personal use jellies and jams. If you're going to gift it, use half pints.

This recipe makes about 2 pints or 4 half pints.

You will need:

5 cups of blossoms- cut and pick the green parts off, use only the white and yellow parts
4 cups of boiling water
3 Tbs. lemon juice
6 Tbs of powdered pectin
4 1/2 cups of sugar

First you'll make a dandelion tea. Pour the boiling water over the petals in a non-reactive bowl cover, and let steep at least until room temperature. We let it go overnight which made an orange-y yellow tea.

Strain the blossoms out of the tea, and press lightly. Pre-measure your sugar.

Measure 3 cups of dandelion tea into a pan, add the lemon juice and pectin and bring to a boil.

Add the sugar, bring back to a boil and let it boil for 2 or 3 minutes.

Put in jars leaving 1/4 inch head space and water bath process for 10 minutes.

It tastes like a honey jelly, bright and sunshine-y. It's delicious with Brie on crackers, which is how we have it served in the photo above.

It's absolutely a new family favorite, and despite the time it took to get just the petals, TG plans to make it again!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Soft triangle baskets- sewing project

Triangle soft felt baskets sewing project

This is going to be a tutorial with a LOT of photos for a very simple project because the start of learning how to do this is learning how to fold and cut an equilateral triangle for a pattern out of any size rectangle of paper. In the near future there should also be a video made by my daughter.

The angles of any triangle add up to 180°. For an equilateral triangle, that means each angle is 60°. Folding 90 and 45 degree angles is easy, here you will learn how to fold a 60 degree angle. 

The table I'm working on is a small poly table that was originally bought as a side table for sitting outside to put my iced coffee on. It became the surface my daughter used to spray paint all sorts of things for her costumes and projects.

The sheet of paper is a piece of junk mail from an insurance agent. We get so many of them that they get used for shopping lists, paper patterns and all sorts of other scratch paper purposes. Reduce, reuse, recycle!!

This project can be done with felted sweaters, craft felt, even fun foam. Anything that won't ravel and has a bit of body. It makes a fantastic sewing project for kids.

You will need:

  • paper
  • scissors
  • pen
  • felt
  • straight pins
  • size 20 tapestry needles
  • embroidery floss 

To make the pattern:
Start by folding your sheet of paper in half lengthwise- or like a hot dog if you learned it that way! And unfold. 
Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle
Now you're going to take one corner, and fold it into the center, the top edge of the paper from the corner you're folding should be a line down to the other corner. 
Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle
Now fold the other side over the open edge of the angle you just folded. 
Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle

Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle
When you unfold it, you'll have two lines to cut to make the triangle. 

Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle
I used this 60° angle to show the angle you got with your folds. 
Folding and cutting an equilateral triangle

Now trace your shape on your fabric, and cut it out. 
sewing project- soft triangle basket

Now it gets really easy. You're going to cut into the corners bisecting them to make the sides. 
To figure out the depth of your finished box, you'll measure from the center to the edge perpendicular to the center line.
sewing project- soft triangle basket
Measure in from each corner and mark them all the same length. 
sewing project- soft triangle basket
Cut a straight line down each one. 
sewing project- soft triangle basket
Now you'll pin each corner, make sure the outside flaps are all facing in the same direction, and pin the cut edges so they match up with the top of the basket on the facing edge. 
sewing project- soft triangle basket

Now you can choose how you'll stitch it. For the gray basket, I only stitched the top edge. 6 strands of embroidery floss will fit in a size 20 tapestry needle. 

Blanket stitch or whip stitching work for the edge. 

sewing project- soft triangle basket
Here's the finished gray basket. 
sewing project- soft triangle basket

For the cream basket, I stitched the outer corners on the side that showed on the outside, then stitched the top. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Love mirror coloring page

Love coloring page

Another "love" coloring page because my birthday was last week and I'm feeling super loved!

I hope you like it. Click the images below. Print love coloring page on landscape settings.

Small jpg printable love coloring page:

Printable mirrored love coloring page in jpg and transparent png format.

Large transparent png printable love coloring page:
Printable mirrored love coloring page in jpg and transparent png format.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Ocean coloring page

Ocean coloring page- blank available

Today's coloring page was fun to draw but it was one that I wasn't sure when it was done. Fortunately my son came over and said "That's cool looking." before I tried to work more stuff in it.

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color.

Small jpg version:
Sun and ocean coloring page available in jpg and transparent png format.

Large transparent png version:
Sun and ocean coloring page available in jpg and transparent png format

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Peyote stitch graph paper for beaders

A couple months ago, the server for my old site started having problems. According to the server, they've been working on getting them resolved. It does leave a lot of my older content unavailable though.

Sorry about that.

There are some more technical notes at the end of this post, but here's the graph paper. Click the images to print them.

Peyote- cylinder beads graph paper:
Peyote graph paper for cylinder or delica beads

Peyote- seed beads graph paper:
Peyote graph paper- seed beads

Technical notes:

The original graph paper was in gif format at 72 ppi because at that point, 72 ppi was the web standard, and gif format for the colors were very clear and didn't have the artifacting that jpg format can cause. Well, it's 20 years later now from when I originally started posting graph paper. So these are STILL 2 color, but it's PNG format, and it's at 100 ppi which should be printable for everyone. I will offering a higher quality/higher ppi version soon, but this is pretty close to the original. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Tulips in the Sun to color!

Flowers to color

In Anchorage, Alaska right now it's about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm putting out seeds that are safe for before the final frost, and my rhubarb is starting to come up. For all of you who are waiting for spring, I hope you enjoy this coloring page!

You can print the blank Tulips in the Sun coloring page below. Click the images for larger versions.

Small jpg Tulips in the Sun coloring page:
Tulips in the sun coloring page- available in jpg and transparent png format

Large transparent png Tulips in the Sun coloring page:
Tulips in the sun coloring page- available in jpg and transparent png format

Here's a picture of my weird alien looking rhubarbs starting:

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A knot to print and color

Knot to color- blank version available
This is another one of those projects that just didn't work out as envisioned- and I'm really happy about it. The initial thought was of the circular knot, but I realized that the version I drew originally wasn't really a knot, it was a series of twists with only 4 true knots in it. So added a bit more detail, then did the corners and center.

I hope you enjoy it. Click the images below for larger versions to print and color.

Small jpg knot coloring page:
knot to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png formats #knotwork

Large transparent png knot coloring page:
knot to print and color- available in jpg and transparent png formats #knotwork