
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Retro Cherry Box

I made a new tile for myself of a beaded cherry design, and decided I should do a cherry print box, so I drew up some cherries and made this.
If you don't know yet, I started an Etsy store and so far, it's all digital products, including a set with some of the templates I use, royalty free as long as you don't distribute the blank templates. So what that means is that if you buy them, you can decorate them with your graphics program, or use rubber stamps and sell or distribute the decorated boxes as you wish (you know, as long as you aren't stepping on someone else's copyright, the only rights I can grant are for my own work)
Well.. I hope you like this box! Click on it to view it full size and print.

This entry has comments closed because of excessive spam.

Friday, March 20, 2009

So Ready for Spring

I'm really ready for spring, but I live in Alaska. It's going to be a while.
This box has a circle closure on top. Cut the slits that are marked on the top to slide the top together.
Well.. at least I felt warm and springy for a minute while I was making it!
Click on the image for the full size version.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jolly Roger earring patterns

I hope you enjoy this set of Jolly Roger Skull brick stitch earring patterns.

I was considering making them an e-book for 99 cents, but instead decided to post them for free. If you'd like to make a small donation using the button on the right I'd appreciate it, but it isn't necessary. You have my permission to make these earrings for sale as long as they are not being mass produced.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Knotwork box and introduction

I decided to start a blog specifically for printables, but it won't be just printables. It will be a mix of printables and some cross posts from my regular blog, recipes, crochet patterns and bead patterns.
I hope you enjoy it! First up, some new knot work boxes. Click on them to view them full size. At 100 dpi, they are about an 1 and half inches cube. The plain one is to color in. I'd love to see how people color them!